Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Ecclesiastes cont.

12/10/10...I left off the last post with a somewhat cynical view, so let me clarify my last thought at the end of the last post. One can argue it does matter (read ending of last post) because staying in business requires us to improve, but what I am writing about is when this is the sole focus only, at the end of the day it seems to ring hollow. Reading Ecclesiastes this week is interesting as the words of the Preacher, i.e. Solomon, tries to grasp what will profit us under the sun.

To him, what he began to realize is there is no answer in this world. At the time he wrote Ecclesiastes, remember Christ was not yet born. Therefore imagine what it was like to live during this time. How do I get to heaven? was probably a standard question back then as much as it is now. How do I live on this earth? was probably another standard question back then as much as it is now. What is my purpose? could be another way of putting it. The human condition has not changed. Our intellect and knowledge yes, but our condition, I submit no.

Solomon pursued worldy things as in possessions, accomplishments, and even women. He was trying to fill a void that could not be filled and he realized at each turn it all rang hollow. No matter how much he accomplished, or how much he gained, or even how many women he obtained, at the end of the day, he was left with a hollow feeling. His condition was no better than a poor person even though a poor person might disagree, but a poor person would not disagree if they were in Solomon's shoes. So what do you do when you realize everything you pursue, although it may give temporary pleasure, still leaves you yearning for something more that this world is unable to deliver.

Ecclesiastes ends with a thud. Remember Solomon was one of the wisest people in the history of the world and gave us the wonderful book of Proverbs, so there is an expectation when knowing this that surely a man of this stature would be able to answer some of life's greatest questions. As one reads the book, one is hoping for some great answer to truth at the end, and instead, from my viewpoint, I am left with a thud, a movie with a bad ending that leaves me shaking my head regarding why I just wasted two hours of my life that I can never get back. But there is truth there and I know this because thousands of years ago Solomon faced the same dilemma I face with the TOIL. What was his great realization? At the end of the day...he just did not know. He continued to search the rest of his days, but it was all in vain. So instead he left us with this thud at the end.

13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
Fear God and keep His commandments,
For this is man’s all.
14 For God will bring every work into judgment,
Including every secret thing,
Whether good or evil.

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